Friday, June 09, 2006

Fun with J and J

We have sure been enjoying our summer so far! McKinsey started swim team at the Raquet Club this week. All three girls (Mom included) have enjoyed many fun days at their outdoor pool! Today we had fun bringing our friends Joshua and Jonah (and their Mom :) to the pool with us. Swimming is always more fun with friends! We even went to Eileens for a delicious cookie afterward!

Kerstin continues to feel great! She made it through her Atra week just fine. We pray that she will continue to feel good through the weekend! Thanks so much for checking on us and leaving such encouraging messages. We appreciate all of you! Happy Summer!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Saltdogs Game

Monday night was LEA night (Lincoln Education Association) at the Saltdogs game. Kerstin and her sister had a good time, even though they didn't see much of the game. (Click on the title "Saltdogs Game" for pictures.)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

CureSearch Walk

Yesterday we took part in the CureSearch walk in Omaha. Kerstin's team raised just over $1200. The organizers announced that $50,000 had been raised for this event by all the teams. That's awesome! We want to thank everyone who donated to CureSearch. Just FYI, approximately 94-96% of all funds raised go directly to pediatric cancer research. The picture is of team Kerstin (click on the title for more pictures of the walk).