Tuesday, June 20, 2006

No More Training Wheels

Kerstin reached another mile stone today: no more training wheels. We have tried a couple of times this summer without success. She didn't really even want to try today, but we "convinced" her to. Her mom had to hold her up the first couple of attempts, then dad took over. After five feet of holding on to her, he let go and Kerstin didn't even realize it. For about 30 yards all Kerstin could say was, "I can't do it, I can't do it." Her dad who was walking three feet to her side finally said, "But you are doing it." After that there was no stopping her. (Except for one minor crash.) We can finally get rid of her junky little "training" bike and she can ride her new bike full time now. (Click on the title "No More Training Wheels" for more pictures.)

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day

Kerstin and her family participated in the Father's Day Trail Trek. There was a 5, 12, and 24 mile routes. 5 miles was good enough for us this year. After the ride there was a picnic and fun stuff to do at Antelope park. (For more pictures click on the title "Father's Day".)