Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Big Sister

Many people have inquired about Kerstin's big sister; McKinsey. McKinsey is doing very well. She knows that her little sister is sick, and needs to spend a long time in the hospital to get better. McKinsey has been very un-selfish duing this difficult time and we catch her doing thoughtful acts of kindness for her sister. For example: today McKinsey found a giant maple leaf on the ground, brought it home, covered it with plasic wrap, put it in a book (to keep it flat), and wants to give it to her sister to put in her hospital room to help make her feel more at home.

McKinsey is dealing with her own situation as well: braces. McKinsey got braces put on a week before Kerstin was diagnosed. [ What else can we add to the "list"? :) ] McKinsey will be spending weekends in Omaha to be with her sister. During the week, when her mom and dad are unable to be at home with her, we have grandpas, grandmas, aunts, friends, and nieghbors lined up to stay with her. It's truly touching to have so many people willing to open up their homes to us (or willing to stay at ours) in this time of need.


Anonymous said...


What a great big sister you've been to Kerstin. She is so lucky to have a thoughtful, big sister like you.

If you'd ever like to come to our house to play, we would love to have you. I would love to have a girl around to pamper (paint fingernails, do hair, maybe some arts and crafts). I know you have so many people who love you and are anxious to be with you while mom and dad are with Kerstin. Just know that if you'd like to, we'd love to have you. Take care.

Colleen Toalson

Anonymous said...

Hi Kinsey!
Sure do like your braces! It was fun eating ice cream with you a couple weeks ago. We know there are some foods you probably can't eat with your braces, but it probably does not include ice cream... your favorite! Whew! That's good to know!

Your mommy tells us you are being such a good big sister! We are so proud of you.

See you again soon,
Eric and Lori Holstein

Anonymous said...

Dear Mckinsey.
Keep smiling . it's great to see those shiny clean braces. Keep up the good work. Kerstin is lucky to have such a thoughtful big sister. Love, hugs and kisses Grandpa Gene and Grandma Clarice

Anonymous said...

Your braces are beautiful! Wow, I can't believe how much you have grown up! I just heard about your sister, and I was thinking about you and your family. Do you know that when I first clicked on the website and saw the picture of Kerstin, I thought that it looked so much like you when you were in kindergarten?!
I will be praying for all of you. I hope that you have special friends in 3rd grade.
Love, Jenifer Alberts (Mrs. Alberts)