Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Home School'n

Just because Annie and Kerstin aren't at school, doesn't mean they aren't teaching and learning. In the hospital Kerstin got 45 minutes of school time M-Th. We are planning on doing at least that much when she is home. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hi Kerstin!
Good for you keeping up on your school work! I've had a lot of homework to do too lately. It can be a bummer to do sometimes but it really pays off- just think of how smart you're getting. I bet it is nice getting to spend lots of time with your mom and the rest of your family. By the way I LOVE your your fuzzy hats, they're so cute! Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...


Great hat, I just want to touch it! I know summers at home with mom the teacher is great, but you have found out what she will do staying home during the school year. I think the girls should have a hat parade for the nurses the next time we are all there. Abby has some great ones too! Lauren and Jon are at Children's now as Lauren had a reaction to some platelets yesterday, but hope to come home tomorrow. You have a great Thanksgiving at home!

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you are home and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your mom, Dad, and Kinsey. Our prayers for you continue. We haven't sent a joke in a while so here you go:
Why are Teddy Bears never hungry?

Take care!
The Toalsons, Brent, Colleen, Alex, and Ben