Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday Night

Kerstin had a fairly good day today. She finished the last of her chemo this morning and now she is in the recovery phase for this cycle. It sounds like she got some of her appetite back and managed to stay awake most of the day reading books and playing. It's a nice change from yesterday. All we can do is take it day by day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kerstin!
So glad you were feeling better today. I see you have a new little friend in your picture. You'll have to introduce me to him when I come see you again. You take care little sweetie! Lots of hugs for you, your mommy, your daddy and your big sis!
Love, Lori Holstein

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerstin -

I am hoping you will be feeling better really soon! I loved the picture of your spiked hair! I am hoping you remember me, I was a Sunday School teacher last year. Xander & I have been thinking about you!

- Darla Sutter

Anonymous said...

Hey there Kerstin! I like your pajamas. I guess your dad wanted his pink ones back! Ha ha. You are such a brave and strong person for enduring the past couple of weeks. I am so proud of you! I love you and we are all thinking of you all the time.

Todd and Family