Friday, December 02, 2005

Snow Angel and New Teacher!

When you play in the snow, you just have to make a snow angel! Kerstin and Mom got to meet her new Home Bound teacher, Mr. Knobel. We think he is pretty great already. He is planning to meet with Kerstin every day. He will work closely with Mrs. Swiatek to help keep Kerstin caught up with all of her kindergarten friends. What a wonderful blessing! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Way to go Leaf family! We know that this has been a team effort to get Kerstin to remission. And, by team you know I put God as the coach! This is such great news!

Kerstin, I pulled Sophie around our yard the other day too. Have fun, stay warm. We check on you daily.

Jon, Cindy, Lizzie, and Sophia

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerstin!
It's so great that your in complete remission! I'm glad you've been enjoying the Christmas season by decorating and playing in the snow. We've been decorating and getting in the Chrismas spirit at my house too. It's cool that your getting a new teacher to help you get caught up on your school work. It will be nice to not worry about being behind when you get to go back to school.Hugs and prayers.