Sunday, February 12, 2006


We had visitors from the west today (Aurora, NE). Jeff's Aunt Shirley and Cousin Crystal made Kerstin and her sister each a blanket. Also pictured is Crysta's son Brian. Not pictured is Jeff's Uncle Max and Crystal's husband Jason. It was a very nice visit with some relatives that we haven't seen for quite a while.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kerstin,
I just wanted to tell you that Elise loved the hat you wore to church today! It had so many bright colors. When we were sitting up at children's sermon she wanted to come over and touch it, but I told her she had to be quiet and listen to Pastor Greg like you were :) Have a great week at school!
Hugs and prayers,
Julie Anderson

Anonymous said...

Don't you love those new fleece blankets? They are so soft and are great for snuggling on a winter night, maybe in your newly remodeled basement. Hope you have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Imagine this in red ink...


Hope you all have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerstin,
I had so much fun with you at Abby's party and hope school is going well for you and Mom.
Stay warm these cold days!
The Maynes'