Saturday, March 25, 2006

Team In Training

Saturday morning Kerstin got to meet about 30 of the Team In Training athletes before one of their training rides. The Omaha team (pictured) presented Kerstin with a teddy bear and a t-shirt. Kerstin brought some granola bars to pass out to the athletes. It was a great opportunity for the athletes and Kerstin to meet each other. For more pictures, click on the title "Team In Training."

Friday, March 24, 2006

Back Home

No exciting pictures for this post. (Unless you wanted to see the piles of dirty laundry from the trip.) We made it back home this afternoon. Kerstin is feeling pretty good. We had our fingers crossed the whole trip hoping that she would stay healthy. It was also nice Kerstin had her "easy" medicine week while we were on the road. We're hoping our new game plan for the "hard" medicine week works next week to keep her from getting sick to her stomach.

Thanks for the prayers, and please keep all those who couldn't enjoy spring break away from the hospital/clinic in your prayers as well.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ice Skating

Kerstin and her sister got to strap on ice skates for the first time today. Both of the girls have been roller skating before, but they soon found out it's a lot different on the ice. We only lasted for about 45 minutes (which was long enough). The rest of the day was spent napping, going to the IKEA store, eating, and swimming. Tomorrow it's back to Nebraska.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


After looking at all the fish, we went to the dinosaur exhibit. Kerstin's sister is studying dinosaurs in school right now so it was an excellent learning experience. (As well as a chance to sit down and relax.) Click on the title "Dinosaurs" for more pictures.


We visited the aquarium that is under the Mall of America. We even got to see them release a new sand tiger shark in to the shark tank with the rest of the fish. (Click on the title "Aquarium" for more pictures.)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny even made it to Minnesota.

Flower Show

We took the "light rail" train to downtown Minneapolis just to check things out. While we were there we went to Marshall Fields to see the infamous flower show. (Click on the title "Flower Show" to see more pictures.)

Meeting Friends for Lunch

Tuesday we met Rose and Alex Bouvier for lunch at the Rain Forest Cafe in the Mall of America. It was a fun lunch and we were all glad not to be back in Nebraska scooping snow.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Mall of America

We spent the day (and I mean all day) at the Mall of America riding all the rides at what used to be "Camp Snoopy". Kerstin and her sister had a really great time. They should sleep really good tonight. :) Click on the title "Mall of America" for more pictures.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Back in the Water

This is the first time that Kerstin has been back in a swimming pool since she was diagnosed in October. In addition to getting the ok from her doctor to travel, he gave her the ok to use swimming pools again.

Birthday Party in MN

We visited some friends that live just east of the Twin Cities metroplex. In addition to a great supper, they had an impromptu birthday party for the girls.